• SC - Riverwalk Academy - Logo

The mission of Riverwalk Academy leads students to achieve, through authentic Project-Based Learning experiences, the knowledge and inquiry skills they need to succeed in life, college, and their future careers.
Technology will initially attract students to the Riverwalk Academy. However, it will be the combination of technology, project-based learning, an integrated standards-based curriculum, and student teamwork that will transform them into top students. Quickly, they will see a purpose to what they are learning. Instead of abstract concepts, students will be working on real world problems and projects. Students in high school will be encouraged to continue their education.
Most students will be given opportunity to earn at least 24 semester units of college credit from York Technical College by the time they graduate. Prospective graduates will understand what a post-secondary degree will do for them. Through internships at local businesses and field agencies, Riverwalk students will chose a more clearly defined career goal.
Riverwalk will encourage students to excel in the information-based 21st century technologically advanced society. The marriage of problem-based learning, student teamwork, and technology is a highly productive way for students to connect with their high school and be well-prepared for a multitude of post-secondary job and educational opportunities.